
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

100 % accurate diagnosis of ailments by the nail! Isn’t it interesting?

Ubqari Magazine - May 2016

Dr. Muhammad Naeem Iqbal, Multan

End of 20 years old tuberculosis in 15 days

Respected Hakeem shab Asslam o Alaikum! May your presence be there for us always, I am reading Ubqari from four months and I wait anxiously for it. Venerated Hakeem sahb I have a very effective, proven and cheap prescription for tuberculosis, I want to convey it to the creatures of Allah through the Ubqari. My mother got TB 20 years ago , we did a lot of treatment, after the 5 years of treatment from doctors she recovered. Last year again my mother suffered from cough and the blood was coming with mucus. After the checkup from government hospital we come to know that she got TB again. We started the treatment but it was fruitless. By chance I went to a pious person for a task who is connected with the Chitia Qadria silsila and he is benefited from Hazrat Khawaja Moeen-Ud-Deen Chishti Ajmeeri رحمته الله تعا لٰى عليه then I told him about the disease of my mother. The pious old man told a prescription and after using that for 15 days the TB is totally finished. Now with the grace of Allah my mother is totally fine.

Prescription for TB:

Dry wheat  plant 2.25 kg, fennel half Kg , carom (ajwain) one quarter,  black pepper half chtang, real domestic jiggery one quarter, water 8 kg.

Method: when the wheat plant becomes eatable for animals means its height becomes one foot, then cut it into small pieces. Then take a bigger pot and add in it the 8 kg water and all these things also, add jiggery after crushing it. Then burn fire under it. Fire must be fast, when water remains half, it means 4 kg then take off from fire and leave it to be cool. After when it becomes cool, strain with thin cloth.  Save this drink into clean bottles. Take half cup in morning while in empty stomach and half cup at the time of asar. Remember me in prayers.

 Your nails are you physicians

Venerated Hakeem sahb, asslam o alikum! I hope that you will be fine and busy in serving the humanity. You always said that if someone have any medical or spiritual tips I am going to send you both of them with the passion to benefit the humanity. You said in the dars that Allah resolves your problem when you benefit the His creatures.  First of all I am writing the medical which I use in my physical practice. Nails help in the diagnosis of ailments; I got this from a doctor of Karachi 14 years ago.

Nails:  By testing chemically we come to know that nails are like hair, which have much protein. That is called carotene. Nails are harder than bones and teeth because they have only 10 % of water. But they have the ability to absorb. When we dip them in water they become soft by absorbing water inwardly. The start of nails is like soft jelly like cell which becomes hard. After turning becomes hard and becomes near to each other. As they appear.   There is a cuticle which is the upper part of skin of, on the roots of nails; it keeps save them from outer effects like germs. Normal nails are pinkish because there are small veins of blood under them. And due to them nails are looked pink. Nails grow in weak from 0.5 to 1.2 mille meter. Hand nails grow almost 4 times faster than the feet nails. In summer or due to hot weather nails grow faster. So they grow faster in daytime as compare to the night time. . An interesting thing is that if you work with right hand then the nails of right hand will grow faster than the left hand and if you are  person who works with left hand then your left hand nails will grow faster than the right hand nails. As the balance diet plays an important role in our health in the same way it effects the growth of the nails. So if the food is low quality or you are not eating anything then the growth of nails will become slow and the vertical lines   will appear on that. Which are called beaus lines. Because of low quality food they become weak and start breaking.

Slow blood circulation reduces the growth of nails. And they become thick yellow and ugly and full of spots. Usually because of diabetes and heart problem it also happens. They become hard due to the use of nail polish and become dry with the nail polish remover, which make them weak. And except this the domestic and industrial chemicals end their shine.

Cling: in it nails are raised upwards and it grows to the tip of the finger, this is called cling which indicates the Taape dek (tuberculosis), heart, Artery problem. Intestine disease or the disease of liver. '
Blue moon: If there is a blue color moon at the starting point, at the place of the root of the nail, then it indicates that there is a disturbance in the circulation of the blood.  And there can be a heart disease.
Spoon like nails:
This type of nails is inward or flat or like a spade. Which are showing that there is deficiency of iron in blood and any problem of thyroid or fever? 
Pink or brown nails: 
When the kidney disease is very old then the tips of the nails become brown or pink but the root side of the nails becomes white.
Tenyis nail: due the hardness of the liver the most of the part of nail becomes white. And the pink colour only appears in the curved shape on the tip of the nail. 
Yellow nails: krank breathing thyroid disease the growth becomes slow they becomes thick and hard. Their colour becomes yellow or yellowish. the nails which are like hammer show a hair disease Alopecia Areata, in this disease hair fall completely or less.
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